Al-Jamahirya Street, AlZoubeer Alawaam

Tripoli – Libya


NOC Tenders

We offer our partners and clients highest standards of services

Tenders Information

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1. Commitment

It is the policy of AL MARAM Co. to conduct own operations in a manner that protects the health, safety and well-being of employees, customers and the public. We will make every effort to avoid impact to the environment, loss of integrity of assets or damage to the property of the customers and own. A responsible and pro-active HSE management system is considered a key factor in ensuring business success.


2. Policies

We will comply with the intent and specific requirements of all applicable laws, regulations and agreements with the Government, customers and business partners.

It is the responsibility of every individual who works for AL MARAM Co. to comply with the law as well as the company’s and the customer policies and practices. This is a condition of employment


3. Objectives and Planning

For the effective implementation of our policy we will maintain an HSE Management System including energy care, according to local and the company standards. We will set measurable targets as part of our annual HSE program















    4. Implementation

    We will maintain HSE management standards, sound procedures, and clear programs.

    We will conduct risk assessments so that the business will be conducted in a safe, healthy and environmentally sound manner.

    AL MARAM Co. will ensure that all employees and customers are aware that the HSE aspects of their tasks and responsibilities are an integral part of the business.

    Employees and customers are expected to take action on any substandard condition and to report any incident that resulted in, or could have resulted in, injury or damage.

    Incidents will be investigated, the root causes determined and the results shared within the customers in order to prevent recurrence.

    We will maintain effective emergency response procedures, train employees in their use and conduct emergency exercises.

    If the safe completion of a task is not clearly foreseen, the task shall not be started.


    5. Management Review

    Management will annually review the HSE policy and the effectiveness of the HSE management system.

    The policy and management system will be adjusted as required.


    6. Continuous Improvement

    We seek to continuously improve our HSE performance. We will actively co-operate with industry and authorities to further enhance our HSE standards and performance.